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Rainbow RV Community


Updated: Mar 27, 2023

On May 7 of this year Karen and I will celebrate our one year anniversary on the road as full-time RVers. And, after ten months of living this lifestyle I have made some interesting observations about the RV culture we are experiencing that I would like to share.

First and foremost I am amazed at the overall friendliness of the people living this lifestyle. Regardless of age, gender, nationality or ethnicity most of the people we have encountered have been genuinely engaging and willing to share their experiences, ideas and suggestions. Perhaps because we all share the common desire to see new places and experience new adventures, we are by nature "simpatico" spirits. It is so enjoyable talking with total strangers we meet whenever we spend time at a new site. Neighboring RVers will initially wave a greeting to you from their site or acknowledge you while walking their pet by your rig. A spontaneous conversation almost always gets started. "Where did you come from? How long have you been here? Any recommendations we should know about?" The list can go on and on. We have yet to meet any curmudgeons!

The variety of educational and professional backgrounds is as diverse as the types and cost of the rigs you see. And the rig is no reflection of their socio-economic position either. Some like to keep it simple and go the minimalist route and others want all the "bells and whistles". But don't make the mistake of judging a book by its cover in this world. Case in point, we discovered in conversation that our neighbors here in Livingston, a simple retired couple, picked up a $300,000 plus Newmar Class A Bay Star 30' model for a cool $30,000 from a generous, wealthy gentleman they met who was done traveling with the rig. What a blessing for this salt of the earth husband and wife. Another couple we met at Chosa Campground near Carlsbad Caverns was sleeping in the back of their Subaru Outback. He's an attorney and she is a nurse who like to keep it simple just a step above backpacking.

Sunday night we attended an ice cream social and met many new members of the Escapees community. Most of the attendees are individuals or couples that live full-time in the Escapees Rainbow RV Park. It appeared that Karen and I were some of the youngest attendees and I turn 70 this May! We sat at a table with a couple who had travelled to Alaska on the ALCAN highway something like eight times. They were a great information resource. Another couple from Michigan (Brad and Bonnie) recognized us from last year's Ally Rally and we will visit with them Monday. Overall ,we are enjoying all the experiences in this park.

Tuesday March 14, we will leave the rig in Livingston for a ten day diving trip. We are packing and getting ready for the morning drive to Houston Hobby Airport. Despite the problems the State Department is concerned about regarding the cartels, we are flying to Cozumel, Mexico. Our friends from Santa Rosa, Jeff and Dana Guidi, are meeting us there and we are sharing a two bedroom suite at our favorite place to stay, the Villa Aldora. Should be a blast hanging out together again.


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